Catherine Redford

Not the dead light we meet above 

uneven rooftops in the back alleys,

but the new-birthed wounds beyond,

with bodies formed of glass.

These stars are named as a burr 

sticks to an unravelled hem:

here’s the rolling pulse at the heart of a shrew,

and the fungus nourished by a tree’s dead core.

This one is the egg that failed to hatch,

blank and rigid as a corpse in the nest.

And the next, her twin, the electric pause

of a startled hare – static, on edge, as it listens again

for the cry. The sky this evening will tear and turn

while the night-river sifts her recurring dream 

and the pike sing their chorus to constellations 

they conspire to spear from beneath. 

Catherine Redford lives in the West Midlands. She started writing poetry after being widowed at the age of 35. She has poems published in Under the RadarThe StormsNew Welsh ReaderLighthouseInk Sweat & TearsBlack Bough PoetryAtriumAlchemy SpoonGreen Ink Poetry, and Dear Reader. She is an Assistant Editor at Dust Poetry Magazine, and has been commended in the Sussex Poetry Competition (2021) and longlisted for the Dai Fry Award (2022). She has also published widely on Romantic and Victorian literature, with a particular focus on post-apocalyptic texts and the Gothic. Find her on Twitter @C_Redford_ and Instagram @catherine__redford